About Us

Where the Garden Started

Where We Began-
We started in the Cook Forest area as just a private family campground owned for 27 years. Above is a picture of our original garden and private residence. Our current Owner and Operator Jacob H. Brine fell in love with the area growing up and decided to start a homestead / garden on the property. At the top of 2025 he realized he wanted to share this amazing space not only with rental guests, but with more of the local wildlife that captivated him as a child and young man.
Wildlife and Ecosystemic Health-
As development of rural areas rapidly increases in America, the available habitat for pollinators and other critical species is decreasing. Over 80% of all flowering and fruiting plants on earth require biodiverse pollinators to help them produce seeds. This includes a large portion of the planet's food crops. With habitat being reduced, competition for resources is driven up which simultaneously decreases biodiversity as some species outcompete each other. This crisis of habitat loss also extends to non-pollinator animals that are critical to ecosystemic health and pest management such as frogs, salamanders and newts.
How We Can Help-
Our mission to provide natural spaces to guests also extends to our local wildlife that call this amazing forest home. We have built and maintain large wildflower gardens as well as create purposeful habitat for local fauna to not just bring guests closer to nature but to give nature a real place to call home. We intend to create even more gardens and partner with local wildlife awareness groups such as the Seneca Rocks Audobon Society to extend our efforts to provide habitat for wildlife. From birds to bees and everything in between, we love the biodiversity of western Pennsylvania and consider it our responsibility to demonstrate gardening methods that are beautiful and increase biodiversity.
Be a Part of Our Growth- Every time you choose to stay at our luxury campground, you are helping to fund our ultimate dream of expanding wildlife habitat and being a place of refuge for all who call the forest home. Enjoying the forest can be an act of saving it for future generations in this way. As we expand and grow, we invite you to grow wilder with us and take some secrets of our gardening techniques home with you! We highly encourage guests to plant native flowers in their own gardens, build stick piles or other bug habitats to increase bug biodiversity and introduce more wild spaces into their home environment. Together, we can make every garden a home for wildlife and a true thing of beauty!